New Athletes


Our Mission

Through the challenges competition and the sport of rowing provide we empower the development of young athletes into confident, capable adults who will lead and foster communities that prioritize integrity and affect positive change.


Crew is offered Fall, Winter (indoor conditioning) and Spring – we have athletes, who do one, two or all three seasons. We want to ensure athletes have every opportunity to be multi-sport athletes. 

Please see our TEAM HANDBOOK for each season’s meeting, training and parent information.

Please contact Head Coach Kit Bennett for more details

Incoming Freshmen/Novices

The great thing about crew, is you don’t need to have touched an oar prior to high school. But, if you want to find out what it is like and see what all the fuss is about, the Washtenaw Rowing Center offers short learn to row classes all year round.

Why Crew?

For athlete and parent testimonials, please click HERE